Saturday, February 2, 2013

Up and Running from Virginia

The whole family just outside our quad heading to school in the a.m.
     We have been in VA for 12 days and it has gone by in a flash.  The kids are loving their time in school, and Sarah and I have both enjoyed our training immensely.  There is so much to learn it is hard to compartmentalize all of the subjects so that we can apply them when we are overseas.

     After two days of school, Rainey said, "I love it! But it isn't like regular school, it is a little more like a support group."  That description has made Sa and I laugh several times.  Asa has connected with his teacher too and looks forward to each day.  My favorite quote from Asa was "you would think a boy teacher would be meaner than a girl teacher, but that's not true.  Mr. Ben is really nice!"  I am still trying to figure out what male influence in his life would lead him to think men are meaner.

   The weather has been frigid.   Only a couple of days has the temperatures risen above 50.  Most days it has not gone above freezing.  Today we had some fun participating in a required one mile run.  We will have to do this again towards the end of our training and are expected to show significant improvement (ideally due to our diligence in training and exercise).  Living overseas taxes all of you, including your physical body and our organization puts a big emphasis on taking care of it. Pretty neat idea, wonder where they got that idea? (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

Each morning we take the kids to their classrooms, and then head to our meeting place to be taught on any number of different things that apply to life overseas.  The spiritual component has been extremely uplifting. The truth that is taught is like a two edged sword (Hebrews 4:12) and is challenging to both Sarah and me as we seek to be pleasing in all that we do.

We generally get out around 3-3:30 and head to pick up the kids and have the afternoon to get kids down for naps, work on assignments and attend a few other meetings, one spouse at a time.  Saturdays are generally free and we enjoyed a slow one today.  After the mile run we had some time to decompress and this evening we headed into town for Asa to stop by Dick's with some birthday money (football gloves) and to hit McAlister's for a change of food scenery.

   Thanks for your love, support, and prayers.  The Lord is blessing our family in a time of transition and we are thankful for his provision.  We are green but we are learning a lot and are anxious to get over in East Africa make an eternal difference.  


Stephen & Sarah
Rainey, Asa, Nehemiah, and Benny
Benny and Nehemiah getting their brisk ride to school.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you as we transition in a much smaller way.
