Saturday, August 30, 2014

A Place of Cool Waters

Nairobi, is the capitol of Kenya, the largest city in East Africa, and our newest home.  For a few reasons, the most important being security, we are moving from the coast of Kenya in Mombasa, to a place whose name means "a place of cool waters".  We pray that it indeed would be refreshing for our family and place where we can settle.

Since our July 2nd post, many things have changed - but our purpose remains the same.  Rainey and Asa have returned from a trip to the states to visit family and attend Ambassador Camp.  They had a great stay but we are so glad to have them back here.  The decision to relocate to Nairobi was not an easy one, but the timing was good so that the kids are able to start school on Monday, only a couple weeks late on the semester.  They are very excited and have a great school to attend here.  It was started by three different missions organizations and has a considerable western influence while also hosting many Kenyan children and children from non missions families, so it is diverse.  They will have opportunities to participate in sports, drama, and other extra curricular activities like they would have in the states.

We are living in a duplex on a compound not far from town that has several units, and some room for the boys to ride bikes, climb trees, and chase the occasional monkey.  Our stuff from Mombasa will be moved up in a few weeks, right now we are using some temporary furniture belonging to our company.

Before the official decision to move we had come to Nairobi to meet with some leadership to discuss the security situation and had been up here a few weeks.  Once the decision was made to make the move, Asa and I drove to Mombasa (8 hours each way) this past Tuesday and returned Wednesday to fetch Indi (his 2 month old puppy) Sa's chickens, and Rainey's cat and her new kittens, and a few turtles.  It was an interesting ride back but Asa was a good sport.

In a few short weeks I hope to write again with some pictures of Nairobi, our new home, some areas where we work, the people, and the culture.  Until then we ask you to pray as the kids start school, as we being language tutoring again, and our work begins.

If you would like more information about our work, how you can pray more specifically, or how you can help in other ways, please email me at and I will gladly add you to our email group list and provide any other information.

From A Place of Cool Waters,

The Dinkins

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