Saturday, May 11, 2013


We are 50 days out from our flight to East Africa.  We are thankful for our time here in Vancouver as we have seen and experienced many neat things during this extra transition.  First and foremost we have been sharpened to be greater cross cultural workers.  There has been a lot that we have been exposed to and I can't go into too much detail ......but there have been great conversations and we have had the opportunity to share our purpose and vision with many.

As a family, we have enjoyed seeing this part of North America.  Sarah and the kids often make fun of me for pointing out all of the beautiful mountains that surround the city.  They are still snow covered and provide an awesome backdrop from just about any point in the city.  We do not have a vehicle here and have to rely on city buses and sky trains (think subway in the air).  This has been quite the adjustment, learning the right schedules, waiting at bus stops, and apologizing when the kids pull the "stop" cord for no good reason.

Asa and Rainey have signed up for flag football and are enjoying meeting some new friends and getting out to enjoy the sport.  Nehemiah and Benny have proved to be enthusiastic fans, so enthusiastic they like to run onto the field to show their support.

Sarah and I have had a couple good dates and plan on going out tonight, because of Rainey's graciousness and willingness to serve as a babysitter.  (if Asa asks - I said he was co-babysitter).

Sarah's birthday is coming up on May 26th and we look forward to celebrating that.  We have had some great skype sessions with our teammates in Africa and are so excited about getting there!  I'll consolidate some more pictures soon and add an entry with many of them from each child.

As a primer, here is one of Nehemiah.  I turned around in Wal-Mart and he was gone.  I found him a few minutes later riding up and down the aisles with the helmet on his head.

Never a dull moment!


  1. At least he remembered to wear a helmet! :) So glad to hear y'all are doing well!

  2. Great to hear things are going well. I think of Rainey often and continue to pray for healing.


  3. So good to hear what God is doing in y'all's life. You will be missed this year at the beach. Know that each of you are in my thoughts and prayers.
